
Team Meeting Notes

Page history last edited by Bill 9 years, 7 months ago

Team Meeting Notes


This page will include the meeting notes from each of our regularly scheduled team meetings.  Agendas---including initial topics to be considered---will be posted one week before regularly scheduled meetings.  Teachers should print copies of the agenda and bring them to each of our meetings. 




Meeting Notes




Google Form for Team Meeting Notes - An updated form for our 2015-2016 meeting notes.


Google Spreadsheet for Team Meeting Notes - This is the spreadsheet where you can find our recorded meeting notes.






Google Form for Team Meeting Notes  - An updated form for our 2014-2015 meeting notes.


Google Spreadsheet for Team Meeting Notes -- This is the spreadsheet where you can find our recorded meeting notes.


Strategies Modeled in County PLT Meeting

This document was created from the Middle School Science PLT on January 30, 2015 and contains multiple strategies and explanations for how they can be used.



     7-8-14 Michael and Stephen meet to review the basic team documents.  Jason was not present and Bill was tracked out. The room cleaning checklist was approved, as is.  Stephen posted this year's updated norm form and emailed the days, time and place to Mr. Ellzey.  We will meet on Tuesdays at 1:50, in room 2427.  If that room is being used as a track out room, we will meet in room 2405. 


     Next week we want to evaluate our current assessment(s) for the matter unit.



The science rooms will no longer be track out rooms, per Mr. Ellzey.

The rolling desks will need to stay put.


Is it possible to move our meeting dates on track in track out weeks so that all four of us can meet at one time?


Stephen & Michael discussed the matter unit.  We would like to start looking at future unit assessments together, as a PLC, to make more commonly used so that we can compare data easily through masteryconnect.  We would like to propose to start working backwards (backwards design) through our units.





Team Meeting Notes Google Form


This link connects to a Google Form that we are using to record team meeting notes as of August 2013.


Team Meeting Spreadsheet


This link connects to a Google Spreadsheet that contains the written meeting notes from each of our meetings starting in August 2013.





Team Meeting Notes Google Form


This link connects to a Google Form that we are using to record team meeting notes as of August 2012.


Team Meeting Spreadsheet


This link connects to a Google Spreadsheet that contains the written meeting notes from each of our meetings starting in August 2012





Team Meeting Notes Google Form


This link connects to a Google Form that we are using to record team meeting notes as of October, 2011.


Team Meeting Spreadsheet


This link connects to a Google Spreadsheet that contains the written meeting notes from each of our meetings starting in October, 2011.



Archived Notes from August-September 2011:












Science PLC Minutes 7-27-11.doc  

















Other Team Documents


6th Grade Science PLC_ Grading Reflection.xls :  This document contains our answers to the 2011 School-wide Grading Reflection Survey.






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