

Page history last edited by Bill 4 years, 8 months ago

Welcome to the 6th Grade Science Wiki


Here, you'll be able to find a collection of materials that a group of sixth grade science teachers are using in their instruction.  Included will be unit overview sheets listing the specific objectives that teachers are hoping to address in their instruction, examples of student work that demonstrates mastery, and materials for lessons that are particularly successful. 


Please note that all of our common assessments have been moved to Mastery Connect.  You can find and download them there.  They are being collected and organized by Michael Manholt.  While there are a few optional assessments posted in this wiki, the assessments that we will use in data conversations are all in Mastery Connect. 


Padlet for Planning Next PLT Meeting Agenda


Team Meeting Notes




Unit Materials


One of the primary goals for our wiki is to organize the best resources that we are using to teach the essential skills in our curriculum.  The advantage of using a wiki instead of a shared folder on our district network is that our wiki is accessible to anyone and from anywhere.  We intend to organize those resources by unit.  You can find our current units of study -- as well as resources for individual projects that we have worked on over the years -- linked below.


Scientific Method







Annotated Bibliography Project

General Team Materials and Scoring Rubrics

MSL Materials




SMART Goal Materials


For the last few years, we have been choosing an individual area of focus for our collaborative efforts.  This has always seemed easier to us than trying to focus only on our content area simply because our year-round calendar makes conversations about content difficult.  You can find resources for each of our areas of collaborative focus linked below.


Graphing Activities

Metaphorical Thinking Activities -- 2011

Non-Fiction Reading Activities -- 2012

Differentiated Lessons -- 2013-2014 AND 2014-2015




General Team Information


There are other general documents that pertain to our team -- including our team meeting norms, our classroom cleaning checklist, and a series of "we believe" statements that describe the kinds of core practices that our learning team cares about.  Those resources can be found linked below.


Team Norms -- includes room cleaning checklist.

Team "We Believe" Statements

Materials List Black & White.xls UPDATED 9-12-11



School, County and State Planning Materials


There are a bunch of school, state, and county level resources that can be used to help us make shared decisions and/or to more effectively plan our instruction.  While we won't use those resources in every meeting, having access to them on our wiki makes a lot of sense.  To find that content, click on the links below.


Common Core State Standards 

Common Core Planning Support Documents

Unit Pacing and Benchmark Materials 

Collective Commitments and Action Steps



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